Amplify Tutoring programs and services

Amplify Tutoring is an ESSER and Title funded, high-impact tutoring program that complement the efforts of K–6 students, educators, and families in building reading proficiency and confidence.

What is Amplify Tutoring?

Amplify Tutoring offers an opportunity for students to participate in engaging and adaptive lessons with tutors while accelerating their proficiency in foundational literacy skills. 

Explore ways to bring Amplify Tutoring to your students today!

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Accelerate student achievement.

Amplify Tutoring supports and accelerates student proficiency in foundational literacy skills. Results show that students in Amplify Tutoring outperformed similarly at-risk peers on a nationally normed reading assessment, and those who attended most consistently made the largest gains.

Reimagine instructional supports.

Amplify’s scaled tutoring offerings can be customized to help you meet the needs of your students. Whether you need high-quality tutoring materials, help designing your tutoring program, professional development, or tutors, Amplify can support you at every stage.

Increase insight into student learning.

Grounded in data, mCLASS® Intervention provides educators and tutors with visibility into lessons, progress monitoring, and instruction tailored to the needs of each student.

What district leaders and teachers are saying

“We did not know where to start. Our facilitator and the high-impact tutoring team were phenomenal and helped us form our vision. I would recommend the training to anyone.”

Executive Director, Curriculum & Instruction, Texas

What district leaders and teachers are saying

“Teachers, paraprofessionals, and tutors are very happy to have high-quality literacy instructional materials designed specifically for tutoring.”

District Tutoring Program Lead, Texas

What district leaders and teachers are saying

“Using Amplify tutors as a supplemental instructional tool to assist with small groups this year has been a pleasure. Our students have shown tremendous growth in their reading fluency and comprehension! We look forward to continuing our partnership next year!”

Teacher, Maryland

Our approach

Amplify Tutoring offers research-aligned tutoring materials, services, and training. From design consultations to full-service tutoring programs, our models reflect the principles of high-impact tutoring.

Data-driven instructional materials that are aligned with the Science of Reading and meet ESSA criteria

Amplify Tutoring features research-backed lessons aligned with the Science of Reading and grounded in mCLASS Intervention, an ESSA aligned program. This program groups students with common strengths and needs and provides progress monitoring.

Learn more about using ESSA and Title funding to bring Amplify Tutoring to your students.

Frequent and consistent sessions

Tutors engage with students in three or more 30-minute skill-building sessions per week to build confidence in students’ early literacy skills.

Positive relationship building

When students feel safe and cared for, they are motivated to achieve their goals. Our approach supports consistent, positive tutor-student relationships.

Training for district and tutoring personnel

District and tutoring personnel receive flexible, comprehensive training, enabling high-quality tutoring instruction to meet student needs.

Our impact

K–6 students in Amplify Tutoring are more likely to make outsized gains on mCLASS®, a nationally normed reading assessment.

Above average student growth

Amplify Tutoring works for students who need it most: 70 percent of students who scored below benchmark, and participated regularly in Amplify Tutoring, made above average growth. Tutored students were 22 percentage points more likely to make outsized growth compared to peers with a similar risk profile who did not receive tutoring at their school.

Confident leaders

After participating in Amplify Tutoring design consultancies, leaders from more than 100 districts across the nation reported increased confidence in developing and implementing research-based high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs.

Supported tutors

Effective training enables Amplify tutors to help their students grow. Amplify tutors report a 40 percent increase in confidence after engaging in Amplify’s tutor training course. Amplify support can include tutor coaching, professional development, and office hours.

What’s included

Amplify offers three versatile tutoring models to assist schools and districts as they design and implement high-impact tutoring programs. You can select the services that best suit your needs.

Which services are right for me?1. Materials and implementation support2. Full-service3. Consultancies
Professional development Coaching and training
Tutoring materials High-quality instructional materials and nationally normed reading assessments
Program management
Amplify tutors

1. Materials and implementation support

Amplify provides tutoring materials, professional development, program management, and data reporting for district-hired tutors. This offering includes:

  • Research-backed, tutor-friendly materials and progress monitoring.
  • Customizable plans for initial training, continuous professional development, and office hours.
  • Tutoring attendance and student achievement reports.

2. Full-service

Amplify delivers semester and year-long virtual, high-impact tutoring sessions. This offering includes:

  • Groups that meet three times per week for 30-minute sessions facilitated by a tutor who is hired, managed, and coached by Amplify.
  • Tutoring sessions that take place during the school day or after school, never interfering with core instruction.
  • Research-backed lessons and progress monitoring grounded in mCLASS Intervention.
  • A dedicated Amplify program manager.

Amplify high-impact, Full-service tutoring is available in select areas. To ensure the success of the implementation at a state or district level, it is necessary to include leadership in the planning of the Amplify Tutoring Full-service program.

3. Consultancies

Amplify provides design and implementation help to schools and districts that are launching high-impact tutoring (HIT) programs. Consultancies enable schools or districts to:

  • Develop their own HIT programs.
  • Learn HIT research-based design principles, analyze case studies, and budget resources.
  • Collaborate with other leaders for support and problem solving.
  • Receive personalized support for implementation.

Amplify Tutoring at-a-glance


Students tutored


Schools using materials


Sessions at Amplify


Consultancies completed